Each of us has our own unique way of making a difference in the world and this is something that becomes increasingly clear as the intuitive communication channels to our Soul or Higher Self become open and clear.
Often it begins with feelings of frustration, perhaps restlessness and the realisation that we are seeking something that our everyday life is not fulfilling. We may ignore these feelings for a time but they are persistent. Life may start to present opportunities for change that eventually we cannot ignore. Our ego is challenged to relinquish its attachment to the known, the ways things have always been, the safe and the secure. We may experience challenges from ill health and low energy at this time as we navigate the choppy waters of change.
Once we start to wake up to the higher calling of our Soul there is an increase in our vitality and enthusiasm, we become an ardent seeker, exploring new philosophies, attending many workshops and reading widely from inspiring, mind opening texts. We seek like-minded souls as we search for our particular path. We start to get a flavour for the particular area of life that we are drawn to and often this precedes quite major shifts in the way we live our life and may spark a change in what we do for a living. We may experience despair and a complete lack of energy if we ignore these inner promptings. Life will certainly send us many challenges to build our patience, our persistence and our strength and courage. But the spark is there in our heart, in the joy and passion we start to feel for what really matters to us.
This joy and passion, inspiration and enthusiasm are the key that unlocks our own unique doorway to our path of spiritual service. Over time there comes an increasing certainty, not necessarily about exactly how we go about stepping into the full expression of who we are, but a strong desire to do so. This is a confusing time as we try to discriminate between the ego thoughts that run our mind and the higher impulses that call our heart to action. There can be many identity crises and those around us bear witness to the way we are tossed about in the waves of indecision. We may know what we want to do but lack confidence in how we go about this. We may struggle to let go the need to know exactly and be completely in control of the process. There can be a feeling of being all alone as we no longer fit into our old way of being but haven’t yet established our new way.
Surrender is required and a trust in the intuitive guidance of our soul and in life to support us and show us the next stepping stone. Our path may not be mapped out clearly but often we do not know what the next step entails until we take it. There are moments we look back and say, so that’s why I did that, it all makes sense now. We start to notice the serendipitous quality of every little coincidental happening in our life that is guiding and supporting our journey. We will come to know we are not alone.
Be assured after all the struggle eventually we relax into a deep sense of peace, knowing that we are here to let our light shine, lift our vibration so that we express the highest qualities within us each and every day and thus lifting all living beings we come in contact with. We may have found meditation or yoga or some other spiritual practice that enables us to drop down below the choppy waves of the surface mind and find the peace of the deeper waters of our being, our Truth. We begin to find our own unique way of serving and it brings us deep fulfillment and a renewed sense of being alive.
There is no sense of sacrifice or resentment or any ego attachment to who I am or where I am on my spiritual path compared to others. We may change the way we bring the higher spiritual energies down into the material world but we flow with these changes, trusting in our own inner compass. There is no longer any struggle as we don’t feel we have given anything up that mattered. We have an increasing desire to serve, to make a difference, to open up and let the awesome being that we are work our magic in the world.
As we start to explore, release and heal the aspects in our psyche that hold us back and block the natural flow of our subtle energy our soul is able to infuse us with immense vitality and resilience. We come to trust in the process of life and that we will be supported financially, emotionally and spiritually.
As we find our way there is an increasing sense of gratitude every morning when we rise and every night when we retire for another day of living and loving and making a difference in the way only we can. If we are still unsure we can cultivate this feeling of gratitude and it will open us up to knowing our way. We live in increasing contact with our Soul and feel supported, guided and nourished.
We learn every day how to open up and let our light shine, we are filled with a sense of good will and our light sparks the inner light in others and helps them to wake up to their own unique way of making a difference in the world. We become a catalyst for transformation.
So use the gift of time to sit quietly and go inward, focus on your breath and allow the limiting thoughts to fade into the background let this gentle focus on the breath take you deep into a place of stillness and connection with your Higher Self, then just be open and listen with your heart.
Sit or walk in the beauty of nature and let your soul speak. Focus on the beauty around you until you feel your heart opening, your vibration lifting, you feel lighter and the fears, worries and doubts dissolve allowing your mind to soar and open to the unlimited possibilities of just what is needed today to make your unique contribution to enhancing life on this planet.
Take time to Imagine and Envision how life could be, the changes we could make and the peace, harmony, love and compassion we could build a new world with. Then give thanks that this is coming.
Together we can do this.
Namaste Teresa