How the Discipline of Yoga and Meditation Add Magic to Your Life

Teresa Keast
We often associate discipline with something that is very rigid, unbending, strict to a point that is restricting to the flow of creative more spontaneous energy. But what if the discipline required when regularly practicing yoga or meditation had the opposite effect and it enabled you to step back from, witness and therefore transcend the known, conditioned, rigidly patterned and repetitive thoughts and behaviours in your life and step into a world of unlimited potentials deep in the very midst of the unknown....that magical place where anything is possible.  

Through the discipline of a regular practice of yoga and meditation we are able to connect with a place deep inside of us that is still, peaceful, calm, clear, wise and joyful. For a few moments each day or each week in our regular class we step out of the world of timetables, commitments, predictable responses and conditioned behaviours and let this carefully crafted version of who we think we are drop away even if only for a few moments, until all that is left is the truth and essence of who we are. This essence is so peaceful, and feels so right, its like coming home. By connecting with this truth of who we are even fleetingly we come to know that most of the time we are not this. But the beauty and magic of this moment of awareness is that this sparks a keen desire, a thirst, an aspiration to be who we are more of the time. We become more spontaneous, more intuitive. We reconnect with the joy within us that we lost in the heaviness of the world of commitments. This fuels the desire for change and we embark on the journey of letting go what we are not to connect with that which we are. This happens naturally whether we are aware of the process or not.

This will bring change into your life, sometimes challenging, messy but transformational change. It will ask you to step back from your fears and see them for what they are, simply messages from the past that don’t need to define the future and you can decide they are not going to stop you doing what you love, you dream of and feel great passion for. Life becomes less certain, but it becomes exciting and full of possibility. You step into your power, as the creative life force energy of the cosmos flows through your energy body and you feel vital, alive and open. You align your highest intentions from your heart with firm resolve from your mind and the magic happens. You feel touch with your soul.

Yoga will help to release the rigid patterns of energy in your body that are created by rigid patterns of thought in your mind. This is a gentle transformation working through the body to heal the mind. 
Meditation enables you to step back from the usual thoughts that run in your mind enabling you with time to realise you are not your thoughts, because if you are, who is watching them? You begin to take back the control of your mind and heal your body.

The two work hand in hand in synergy to break the old patterns and you find the strength and courage to step into a future that is less predictable, full of possibility and that is when you attract the wonderful creative force of the cosmos and the magic starts to happen.

So do you want the same life you had yesterday, to define today and tomorrow? or will you choose to find the discipline of a class once a week, meditation every day for the chance to live a life of wonder everyday....

Namaste Teresa
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